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Jump To: Directory (80)  |  Document (11)  |  Text (11)  |  Other (5)

Directories (80)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
acctbus_7   acctfinc17   astrolgy8
barzipcd9   bbs_syst10   billacct17
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fileutil46   financal17   fonts___9
gamcasno26   gameactn8   gameadvn8
gamearcd16   gamebord23   gamecard20
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grapprog22   healthck9   help_sys6
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sporting5   sports__22   sprdshts6
stockbnd6   teachtol25   tutorial9
uother__24   vbrun5   virusprt7
word_prc14   writgaid17

Document (11)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
alpha.asc HP Printer Command Language 16 67KB 1997-03-09
authora.asc HP Printer Command Language 249 192KB 1997-03-09
authorz.asc HP Printer Command Language 249 192KB 1997-03-09
class.asc HP Printer Command Language 17 71KB 1997-03-09
companya.asc HP Printer Command Language 249 192KB 1997-03-09
issue.asc HP Printer Command Language 16 68KB 1997-03-09
jcsda.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase Database File 330 1MB 1997-03-08
jcsda.mdx dBASE Multiple Index 467KB 1997-03-08
jcsdp.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase Database File 84 331KB 1997-03-08
jcsdp.mdx dBASE Multiple Index 137KB 1997-03-08
new_chg.asc HP Printer Command Language 6 23KB 1997-03-09

Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
allfiles.txt Text File 1,041 65KB 1997-03-09
classdir.txt Text File 64 2KB 1996-09-08
install.bat DOS Batch File 30 770b 1995-10-29
jcsd.loc Text File 2 3b 1993-10-20
jcsd.typ Text File 2 3b 1995-05-14
jcsdesc.txt Text File 77,982 3MB 1997-03-09
jcsdloct.srt Text File 801 70KB 1997-03-09
lngfiles.txt Text File 7,032 505KB 1997-03-09
raw_new.txt Text File 271 7KB 1997-03-08
readme.1st Text File 103 4KB 1997-03-09
unzip.doc Text File 249 9KB 1992-08-22

Other Files (5)
jcsd.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 310KB 1997-03-08
jcsmchk.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1994-03-04
jcsminit.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 12KB 1994-06-11
jcsda.dbt Unknown 3KB 1997-03-08
jcsdp.dbt Unknown 4MB 1997-03-08